Friday, September 4, 2009

Do what I have to do

I'll give u little background info to my situation. As you already know I am a Black woman. What you may not know is my major is Computer and Information Technology. I was talking with a fellow Black female in my field and we discussed that we are very ignorant about our future line of work. I love my major don't get me wrong, but I did not grow up dipping and dabbling on a computer's device methodology functions and blah blah blah. I did not read computer magazines or install VMware on my operating system for fun. Do any of these words sound foreign to u? Well, they do to me too. My point is when I enter a new class, I'm usually learning the material for the first time with no prior knowledge in the area. However, most of my classmates are completely the opposite. Also, I have add I am almost always the only woman and only Black person in my courses which I don't mind much. After dealing with it for 8+ years u get used to not seeing a familiar face. But factors do play a role and I believe they have caused a issue that I need to deal with immediately. In my concentration I have to do the majority of the course load in groups. Last semester, I had a huge problem. In two separate groups I was having the same problems. We did not hold one single meeting, hardly any emails weren't sent out, and I would often walk into a computer lab and see our group work being done without me.

By nature, I am very passive. I often find myself doing or not doing things so I won't be labeled as a typical mad Black women. Some of these labels include being argumentative, aggressive, and controlling. I know that I prolly shouldn't do this but I like to keep out of potential conflict. The outcome for the past group project ended leaving my grade and knowledge suffering. If I continue to let this happen I will continue to loose out for many reasons. 1) I won't learn the course work which I will definitely need in the future 2) These men will continue to handle group work like this in the future. In our field we will prolly have group assignments for the rest of our careers.

So I will have to bite the bullet and "man" up. As much as I hate it I will have to be prolly play the leader role for the rest of undergrad and delegate all actions. I will prolly have to tell them the pull their heads out of their asses for a minute to teach me how to complete the work. I refuse to keep sitting back and losing this these situations.


Kinky Rhonnie said...

I turned 40 on March 31st and have worked in IT for the past 20 years. Don't give up. I've doubled my salary in the past 12 years but have multiplied my starting salary six times.

I've obtained two IT degrees since 1998. The first being a two-year associate degree in Information Systems and the second being a bachelors degree in Technical Mgmt.


KurlyQue said...

Wow that's great. I'm so happy I found you! Thank you for the encouragement. We have career fairs going on this week and I don't even know companies to start with. The lists of the attending companies are so long.