I hope everyone had a great a great Christmas and New Year's...mine were both very interesting. I'm still getting used to my new netbook a Samsung n310
and I think I've been spending every spare moment that I have just getting used to my new OS that I'm trying out since mine only came with Windows XP. Week prior to my purchase I was already making plans to dualboot Windows XP and Jolicloud. So when I start my netbook it gives me an option of what OS I want to run. I don't know about you but I'm ready to tell Windows to kick rocks. Frankly, I'm not a huge fan and decided to give Joliclod Pre-Beta a try.
It has such a cool edgy interface to it. Its an internet OS meaning it caters to online users and offers tons of free apps that are just plain clever. Me likey.
Also, as I mentioned I've been looking for a internet provider that will fit my very low costing needs that will allow me to do more than look at email. At last I think I've found a winner. From what I hear DataJack is offering a $39 unlimited wireless broadband plan with no extranesss...no contracts, no usage caps, not even taxes. It's using T-Mobile's coverage so its offered in many places. The only thing that is making me hesistate is that you have to purchase their modem for $99 upfront ugh. I definitely will prolly give this a shot too.
Well thats all for now. Gotta get back to work.